Post your favorite shot from your most recent roll

P67ii, Portra 400, 105 f2.4

Roll 2. I have so many good ones, hard for me to choose. Had a super keeper day, 4 rolls of 24 exposures. I guessed the exposure well, was on point with focus, even was happy with the framing considering there was a fence in my way on every shot. I am not crazy about the grain ff the film, not horrible but not as tight as TriX. Maybe a different developer. Love the tonality though.

Nikon F, 50mm 1.8, Ultrafine Extreme 400, Ilfosol 3, Rapid fix, Epson V800. Taken today at the Reality's Chance Horse Sanctuary tour. Reality's Chance Horse Sanctuary - Homepage

Roll 4. Only shot that I used my flash (SB15), probably could have used it more, it seemed to me the light changed pretty quickly and it started to rain a little. The lady was curious about my camera and was surprised it was a Nikon. She was fascinated that it was the first Nikon SLR and how heavy it was. She didn't quite understand why I was shooting film, thought you couldn't get it anymore. So many people think you can't get film anymore.

Nikon F, 50mm 1.8, Nikon SB15, Ultrafine Extreme 400, Ilfosol 3, Rapid fix, Epson V800. Taken yesterday at the Reality's Chance Horse Sanctuary tour.

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That stuff is quite grain. I am surprised. I know nothing of Ilford films and developers.

The fill flash worked out quite well. That lens delivers a 3-D look.

Yeah, I'm not sure how much I like it. I like grain but it is not tight like TriX, I shot at box speed. The tonal range is impressive. There isn't much out there on it. It dries flat as a board (thick), which is nice for scanning. I may process a roll in HC110 or D76. Every time I use Ilfosol, not impressed. I wasn't aggressive on agitation either, 3 inverts 1st minute, 3 inverts at 2 min, and 3 at 4 min. 4:30 dev time. There is so many developers out there, I just normally use HC110.

It's a nice little flash if you far enough away, in can go to hell in a hand basket for sure. Nice little lens, my copy has a real free focus ring which makes me pay attention more.
Ok, how do you upload an image so it appears like smarty62's, were as mine show up as a file attachment??

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