Pick the tonal structure that best fits the feeling you like. I happen to like the original just fine, it has a lovely feeling of lightness and delicacy. The tonal range is fine, you have black blacks and white whites, there's no need to fill the frame with masses of black unless that's something that makes sense. If you want a more potent sense of drama, great. If you prefer the lighter more ethereal feeling, sticking with your original works fine (I happen to think it works beautifully, given that this is a flower).
A little more planning on where the focus is would be helpful, I think. I find that the focus is soft toward the bottom of the frame, so far so good, so I want to look at the black ball dealios nearer the top. The one that's most fortuitously placed is half concealed by a leaf, so my eye finds the one above that which is in focus, nicely revealed, a good solid visual center which suffers from being, to my eye, too close to the edge of the frame. I wish the one lower down was the one that was more in-your-face, as it were, so it could serve a the true visual center. It's beautifully placed, and beautifully in focus, and a basically interesting contrasting shape.