Pozdrav from (pause) Michigan?

Frequent Traveler

TPF Noob!
Jun 1, 2005
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Greetings All,

I've been registered for some time, but have been really too busy to post anything - even initial "hello's". So, Hello!

I use manual film photography as one of my get-a-ways and in that genre' prefer b&w though C-41 only as i don't have space/time (and lets face it - know-how) to develop my own.

I use any of my several Minolta srT 102's and 202's and their good old-fashioned Rokkor-X lenses interchangebly. I also use my Minolta 7000 AF film cameras and their respective legendary Minolta lenses :mrgreen: as i prepare to take the dSLR AF plunge. Yep, i am a Minoltian through and through! Considering oneself a Sony-ian just doesn't sound as semantically good.....

All that said, i am photographically ecumenical - it's not really all about equipment is it?

I look forward to reading and (hopefully) learning from you all and possibly, occassionally chiming in.

Hi Frank, welcome aboard.
Welcome to TPF, Frank!

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