Prob a dumb question but i need an answer


TPF Noob!
Oct 21, 2011
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I purchased a Vivitar 7mm EOS fisheye on eBay for my Canon T1i, when I upgraded to a 5D mark ii I was told that lens would wreck my full frame sensor, I now have a 7 D purchased new a few months ago and I am worried it might damage that sensor or is it ok being it is also a crop sensor like the T1i? I always get confused about what lens fits what camera EF,EFS? Can someone explain that to me again ( I have a memory of a goldfish sometimes) lol
Fullframe digital camera bodies - like the 5D series, can only physically fit EF camera lenses. EF-s lenses made by Canon will not physically mount to them; whilst 3rd party crop sensor lenses will fit, they will likely result in damage. This is because the rear of EF-s lenses pushes back further into the camera body, whilst the mirror on a fullframe camera body is much larger, so the mirror can hit the lens (breaking the mirror).

Crop sensor camera bodies - like the rebel series or the 7D or the xxd (eg 50D and 60D) can mount either EF or EF-s lenses without any problems at all.
EF lenses work with either full or crop sensors. EF-S are compatible only with crop sensors. Was that your question?
Yes part of it , my other question was will the Vivitar 7mm fish eye mount on my 7D with out a problem, I purchased it for my T1i
It will work just fine. That lens is made for a crop sensor dslr, which the 7D is.

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