Question about Holiday cards, birth announcments?


TPF Noob!
Apr 23, 2011
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I want to know the best place and way to print cards either using a lab or my own templates? I have a few templates for Birth announcements and holidays but I found the selection better and easier for customers to make their own cards using Smugmug. Recently I had to do Easter cards and I had no Easter templates and neither did SM so I used Tiny Prints and was very disappointed with the quality and price. If I use my own templates is there a place I can print them on cardstock and of high quality at a good price to me? Or is there a lab that will let customers make their own with a good selection of templates while still haveing access to your images? And also what is a fair price to charge for cards, say 50 5x7's with 4 photos? Any advice would be appreciated on this subject. Thanks
Where are you getting your cards made? I see photographers charging $25 for 50 Birth announcements with envelopes. Someone has to know something I don't I have searched everywhere! HELP!

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