Red and Blue


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jan 22, 2012
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South Australia
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Did some experimenting a while back. Good fun ... probably have to go back and revisit this - I'm sure you will be able to give me some ideas for improvement :lol:. Thanks for looking.
There are some strange artifacts that appears when I downsized and "Saved for Web". Extra lines both inside and outside the glass edges. I promise they are not there in the original :mrgreen:

Red and Blue
And in the interest of sharing ... I made up blue jelly (I think in US it may be called "jello"?) and poured it into the wine glasses that were set at the same angle.
Allowed it to set ... did the shoot ... ate the jelly/jello ... yum ... must do more food photography.
"Frequency" and "MatchlessArts" ... appreciate your feedback. Thanks for taking the time to comment.
Great colors and arrangement! I hope the jello didn't taste as blue as it looks - seems a little scary, to me. My one quibble is that I found the reflections at the bottom a little distracting and wished you had used a non-reflective support.

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