Resizing photo to print

Jerry Thompson

TPF Noob!
Apr 19, 2021
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I am using updated PSCC and a Canon 200 printer. I have an off the camera shot that is 20'''x13.33 a7II. I cannot get it to print an 8x10. All of the info showing on the settings preliminary to printing show 8X10. I am using 8.5X11 paper but the print is not centered and in the 9x7 area of measurement. I tried entering that the paper is 8x10 and did not resize the original and had the resize to fit option checked. PS manages the printing. I'm getting ready to take it too WalMart. As a side not 5X7 prints fine.
First issue is that 20x13.33 is a different aspect ratio than 10x8, so there will have to be some cropping... Half of 20 is 10, obviously, but half of 13.33 is only 6.66, so you wouldn't have enough image to fill the last 1.33 inches.

Before printing, you need to select an area that fits an 8:10 (or 10:8) ratio and crop your image with that selection, to get the correct aspect ratio for an 8x10 print. Once that's done, PS should handle the printing just fine, I think. Simply telling it to print 8x10 won't work, because your image is a different ratio of length and height.
First issue is that 20x13.33 is a different aspect ratio than 10x8, so there will have to be some cropping... Half of 20 is 10, obviously, but half of 13.33 is only 6.66, so you wouldn't have enough image to fill the last 1.33 inches.

Before printing, you need to select an area that fits an 8:10 (or 10:8) ratio and crop your image with that selection, to get the correct aspect ratio for an 8x10 print. Once that's done, PS should handle the printing just fine, I think. Simply telling it to print 8x10 won't work, because your image is a different ratio of length and height.
I'll have to figure out how to do that. Any suggestions ?
I'll have to figure out how to do that. Any suggestions ?
I found out how to do it. Crop to 4x5. Then check image size. It will still show the 3 to 2 ratio. Replace the numbers with an 8 and a 10. All seems good so far. It is too late in the day to try a print. I'll give it a go tomorrow.

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