Riddle me...

And as far as answering your riddle, my first thought was that the water level would stay the same since the rock's mass was already taken into account by the displacement of the boat, but upon further thought, I think the water level will go down because the rock is more dense than the water it is displacing.
Nice job! When the rock is on the boat, you are displacing the weight of the rock. When you dump it, it is only displacing the volume of the rock.

And as far as answering your riddle, my first thought was that the water level would stay the same since the rock's mass was already taken into account by the displacement of the boat, but upon further thought, I think the water level will go down because the rock is more dense than the water it is displacing.
A dead man is found in a locked room, hanging from the ceiling 4 ft. above the floor. The room is completely empty except for the man, the rope, and a puddle of water below him. How did he die?
He was standing on a block of ice.

You are on a path and it splits to 2 road. You are trying to go to honest people village. Honest people always tell the truth, liar always tell lies. There is a guy standing at the intersection and you can only ask him one question. What would you ask him so that you know how to get to the honest people village? You dont know if the guy is a liar or honest.
edit: for incorrect answer.
<<<<< goes back to pondering....
Ask both of them which way the other person would tell me to go and go the other way. The honest person will tell you truthfully that the lier would tell you to go the wrong way, so you would go the opposite way. The lier would not tell you the truth and would send you the wrong way, so you would go the opposite way.
An old man wanted to leave all of his money to one of his three sons, but he didn't know which one he should give it to. He gave each of them a few coins and told them to buy something that would be able to fill their living room. The first man bought straw, but there was not enough to fill the room. The second bought some sticks, but they still did not fill the room. The third man bought two things that filled the room, so he obtained his father's fortune. What were the two things that the man bought?
Bought two things, huh? How about a match and a newspaper to fill the room with smoke...or a match and a candle to fill the room with light/smell?
Candle and match.. Filling the room with light. You got it
A farmer had two poles erected on his land, one was 74 feet
high and the other 100 feet high.

He attached a 114 foot length of rope from the top of one pole to
the top of the other. The rope sagged so that its lowest point was 30 feet above
the ground. What distance apart are the poles?​
The poles are either touching each other or vary close? I dont know the formula for the equation but how I got that was... added the height of the 2 poles 74+100= 174 then divide 174 by 2 which equals 87. So the average of the 2 poles are 87 feet. Then I took the 114 ft rope(theoretically attached it to the top of one poll with both ends, making it fold in half) and halfed the rope making it 57feet. I then got lucky and subtracted the 87 feet pole from the rope double over making it 57feet and came out with 30feet. Which would mean the poles are touching each other?
Yep, the poles would be touching each other...Didn't want to turn this into a math thread so I tried to keep it simple. ;)
Math riddles work to!

A farmer is given 10 seeds for free if he can plant them in 5 rows of 4. How will he plant them?
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Math riddles work to!

A farmer is given 10 seeds for free if he can plant them in 5 rows of 4. How will he plant them?

This is one of my favorites...if nobody answers it by the time I get home from work, I'll swing back by. The solution is elegant, indeed.
Well, I guess it's up to me...draw a star. Plant the seed at each of the intersections and end points. Each line of a common star has two ends and two points where a line crosses it. There are also 5 lines. Gives you four rows of 5.

Next Riddle...

There is a common sequence of letters that you have probably used at least a time or two. If you can remember where, this riddle will be easy.

What letter is missing from the following sequence? "R T _ U I"

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