Schizophreniacs Anonymous...

Here we go with the MPDs (or DIDs) again. Let me whip out my prescription pad!
I've already called your meds in Aprilraven... looks like you need them ASAP!
Calliope ... can I have a refill on the percocet to go with the other meds?!?! And, can I have a new diagnosis? Something with a bunch of osises in it?!?! I mean .. we .. .can WE have new meds and dx?

And I love you more than all of the Aprilravens..... 'specially for perc!
Not a problem Nicole... working on your new diagnosis. Have to put some thought in it. Let you know when I come up with it :mrgreen:
btw, Nicole... what about pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis!? That has nothing to do with a psychological disorder but it was a big "osis" word. I had to learn that in Junior High as a Spelling extra credit word. It kinda stuck with me!
hey ... as long as it has tendencies with it ... I'm good with it. Can I have a bit of a tick, too??? (shut up, Raven)

See, you only thought you were going to not practice when you moved ... look at all of us ... we give you plenty of reason to continue ...

(or drink a whoooooole lot ...)
oh, and if you diagnose us with things ... do Raven and I still get to keep the kids when we come up? At least you'll know our issues and know we're medicated ...

we promise not to use the stove or closets ...

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