Self portait


TPF Noob!
Nov 13, 2007
Reaction score
Here and There
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Took these tonight, can we tell that im in my "self portrait phase"? Not because im vain but no one else will pose for me!! C&C please, also feel free to edit these. Thanks


You're a beautiful woman. I wish they were a little brighter and the second cropped tighter. My taste for B&W is a little on the bright side.
They are really blury to me... you should also add nws to the title.. might not be work safe.

also number one i think woudl be better if you were looking at the camera
Feels halfway there. First, you are beautiful, great body and a great model. Your face has great expression and your body interesting curves. Second, I really like what you are going for here: the black background, grainy comp, and the shape and textures of your body. However, to do this right I think you need to be either the photographer or the model as nothing can replace the fluidity and spontaneity of interaction that comes from an artist working with their subject. I think, working with the right model, you could come out with something great.
Completely agree! However, no one will pose for me and I dont know any other photographers :(
I guess it's pretty hard to get perfect focus on the eyes in a self portrait...but it's close...

This makes up for the mislabelled "eyecandy" thread if you ask me.

You're beautiful, and the shape of your body in both keeps the eye interested in the photograph.

The mesh leg things in the first one add some texture to the photo and really give it something to work with.

Can't wait to see when you get a model of your own to work with!
I think you have pulled it off. I agree the focus is a bit off on the eyes, however this is a self portrait they have really nice lines and composition. Good job hope to see more of your work
However, to do this right I think you need to be either the photographer or the model as nothing can replace the fluidity and spontaneity of interaction that comes from an artist working with their subject. I think, working with the right model, you could come out with something great.
If that were true, self-portrait wouldn't be a sub-genre in photography at all. Besides self-portrait isn't about spontaneity or fluidity (maybe in terms of idea, but not in terms of anticipation for the right expression). And only you really know how it feels like to make certain expressions with your body or face, if you're trying to express certain feelings through pictures, your best bet is a self-portrait.

And there's always mirrors to pose in front of.
Personally, I prefer the first shot where you are looking away. It emotes wanton desire. The fishnets are definately a positive contribution.

I also prefer the tighter crop of the second photo. Unfortunately, the glisten of your ring puts a damper on an otherwise primitive disposition. And I can't figure out the sparkle on your thumb either.

I think the exposure, contrast and lighting of both are very nice. You make an excellent model. (excuse me while I go roll up my tounge from the floor) :~D
nice self portraits! with the eyes looking away it makes me wonder what your looking at, with eye contact your looking at me . . . which is also good.

next time you need someone to hold the camera let me know!!! jk i'll stop now.

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