Self portrait headshot


TPF Noob!
Jul 7, 2013
Reaction score
Beaver Falls Pennsylvania
Can others edit my Photos
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Shot this of myself today. Took some time to get it in focus. I've been working with projected backgrounds and this is one.

Very nice :) I've yet to nail focus on selfies.
I think I had that background in my 2nd grade school picture!
I wasn't going to knock the rainbow lol. love the b&w too although no the crop.
Black and White with the original crop :)

Let us see that marvelous hair!
Cool.. I have been wanting to get a powerful projector and use it as a light source.
wasn't trying to make a statement with the rainbow lol...
...and with the hair


Bossy, it took many attempts to get the focus close enough and if the focus was good pose was bad. This a happy medium
The lighting is great, and I love seeing what you're doing with projected backgrounds, but seriously, what is up with that background? Mixed with the coat it feels extremely outdated, something straight from the early nineties.
Dang guys, even the black and white version is starting to look dated now lol. I chose this background without a lot of thought. The reason I chose this particular one is because it somewhat gives the appearance that it is being lit rather than projected. I have been trying to design some backgrounds in photoshop that look like painted canvas with a lighting component. Will have to see how that goes. I think I need to study a bit about colors and why certain colors play nice with others. But for now, this experiment with the projector is keeping me out of the 0 degree weather. And besides, the 90's wasn't that long ago, you all sound like my kids :)

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