Snowy Owl


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jan 8, 2017
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Brampton, Ontario
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First I would like to thank @zombiesniper for taking me out on a hunt for hawks and Snowy's today. It was a crappy day weather wise and not a lot of action around or chances for good shots but he still delivered and I got the chance to at least get a few shots. Even though at a bit of a distance I was able to get a shot of my first Snowy, actually my very first owl, so I was quite happy and had to post it. He was just chilling on someones tv antennae.

Snowy Owl by Brent Cameron, on Flickr
Glad to have you up and have a chance to talk as well as search of something to shoot.
The owl does look quite content.
Very nice shot hopefully next time you meetup with my dad i will be home so that i could get to meet you as well
First I would like to thank @zombiesniper for taking me out on a hunt for hawks and Snowy's today. It was a crappy day weather wise and not a lot of action around or chances for good shots but he still delivered and I got the chance to at least get a few shots. Even though at a bit of a distance I was able to get a shot of my first Snowy, actually my very first owl, so I was quite happy and had to post it. He was just chilling on someones tv antennae.

Snowy Owl by Brent Cameron, on Flickr
always wanted to see one! ive been out looking for them a few times but no luck so far, where did you see this one?
First I would like to thank @zombiesniper for taking me out on a hunt for hawks and Snowy's today. It was a crappy day weather wise and not a lot of action around or chances for good shots but he still delivered and I got the chance to at least get a few shots. Even though at a bit of a distance I was able to get a shot of my first Snowy, actually my very first owl, so I was quite happy and had to post it. He was just chilling on someones tv antennae.

Snowy Owl by Brent Cameron, on Flickr
always wanted to see one! ive been out looking for them a few times but no luck so far, where did you see this one?
i can PM you because i know the location of this one but i suggest waiting until next winter as this spot does not have all that many snowys left around
First I would like to thank @zombiesniper for taking me out on a hunt for hawks and Snowy's today. It was a crappy day weather wise and not a lot of action around or chances for good shots but he still delivered and I got the chance to at least get a few shots. Even though at a bit of a distance I was able to get a shot of my first Snowy, actually my very first owl, so I was quite happy and had to post it. He was just chilling on someones tv antennae.

Snowy Owl by Brent Cameron, on Flickr
always wanted to see one! ive been out looking for them a few times but no luck so far, where did you see this one?
i can PM you because i know the location of this one but i suggest waiting until next winter as this spot does not have all that many snowys left around

That would be great!
Very nice! And it was great meeting you today.
First I would like to thank @zombiesniper for taking me out on a hunt for hawks and Snowy's today. It was a crappy day weather wise and not a lot of action around or chances for good shots but he still delivered and I got the chance to at least get a few shots. Even though at a bit of a distance I was able to get a shot of my first Snowy, actually my very first owl, so I was quite happy and had to post it. He was just chilling on someones tv antennae.

Snowy Owl by Brent Cameron, on Flickr
always wanted to see one! ive been out looking for them a few times but no luck so far, where did you see this one?
i can PM you because i know the location of this one but i suggest waiting until next winter as this spot does not have all that many snowys left around

That would be great!
Ok PM coming
I could some one swearing about there bad reception.Nice capture.

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