::.Some Of My New Portrait Work::. Feedback Apprecited

EDIT: LOL, I just went to the "Professional Forum" and it has ONE post all day today. One. Compare that to this one thread, which has generated FIVE pages in one day. I guess thats why he didn't post there.
Isn't that the point? Do we as a community encourage the use of the forum as it is laid out, or do we encourage continued treatment of this section as a dump for everything. As I am sure you have read, I have been repeatedly chastised for posting my work here. So i post elsewhere as suggested. Why should it be different for the OP?
heres a couple photos I shot last week



Is that miss cream?
EDIT: LOL, I just went to the "Professional Forum" and it has ONE post all day today. One. Compare that to this one thread, which has generated FIVE pages in one day. I guess thats why he didn't post there.
Isn't that the point? Do we as a community encourage the use of the forum as it is laid out, or do we encourage continued treatment of this section as a dump for everything. As I am sure you have read, I have been repeatedly chastised for posting my work here. So i post elsewhere as suggested. Why should it be different for the OP?

I think for most part, this beginner section is mostly for C&C. It wouldn't hurt to make a new section dedicated to C&C in the Foundations of Photography.
EDIT: LOL, I just went to the "Professional Forum" and it has ONE post all day today. One. Compare that to this one thread, which has generated FIVE pages in one day. I guess thats why he didn't post there.
Isn't that the point? Do we as a community encourage the use of the forum as it is laid out, or do we encourage continued treatment of this section as a dump for everything. As I am sure you have read, I have been repeatedly chastised for posting my work here. So i post elsewhere as suggested. Why should it be different for the OP?

I guess it comes down to enforcement and elaboration of rules.
EDIT: LOL, I just went to the "Professional Forum" and it has ONE post all day today. One. Compare that to this one thread, which has generated FIVE pages in one day. I guess thats why he didn't post there.
Isn't that the point? Do we as a community encourage the use of the forum as it is laid out, or do we encourage continued treatment of this section as a dump for everything. As I am sure you have read, I have been repeatedly chastised for posting my work here. So i post elsewhere as suggested. Why should it be different for the OP?

I won't chastise anyone for posting anything here. I find it is useful as a beginner to see some good work posted, it usually generates lighting, composition or editing ideas.

And who classifies beginner vs. professional? Getting paid? Experience? The OP states he has only been into photog for 3 years and it seems that most people that post on the beginner section have been taking photos a lot longer than that.

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