Some recent sunrise photos


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Sep 11, 2010
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Western New York
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Hey ya'll. Found a couple of days over the last several weeks to get out and shoot some sunrises, and had some great luck with conditions cooperating. Wanted to share a few images that I'm reasonably happy with. C&C always welcome.

All images shot on the fuji X-T3 with the 10-24. Images 1 and 3 are composites from two photos in order to balance the foreground/sky exposures, but I tried to keep them realistic looking.

1.) Lakeside beach state park. This pebble beach is very rarely photographed by anyone other than myself, which is a shame. It's my go to spot for last minute sunrises this time of year.

2.) An observation tower that I believe is on the Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge, though may also be NYS DEC land. Either way it's just off of the road and very popular.

3.) Irondequoit Pier - Rochester, NY.
Very pretty, very nice work
Nice set. I like how the shoreline in #1 bends and points toward the sun. I personally feel the sun should be centered but it's a lovely picture, regardless. Good choice on that location, too, the rocks look good.

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