South Carolina Sunrise


TPF Noob!
Jan 28, 2008
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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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These were taken at Hilton Head Island in South Carolina. I forgot about them for awhile and never posted them (i think), and i just found them again today. Anyway C&C Please! Oh by the way, absolutely no pp, this is straight from the camera.


so this is what it looks like. i have friends in hilton head. i love the fist one. i just wish the dof was a bit wider. at least so the dark thing above right of the shell was in focus as well. the colours are really cool though. i like the the bottom half of the second picture. the sand and the first three wave lines are interesting. different textures colours and styles of waves. great shots.
Beautiful shots, both of them! The pink hues in the first one really evoke memories of beach sunrises while on vacation.

Thanks for sharing these.
Wow Beautiful Colors

Well Done
I just got back from there myself! I have a house in Bluffton. Great photos!
thanks!.....I've spent many great vacations along the Grand Strand

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