Splitting LR Panels On Dual Monitors


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Mar 29, 2016
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Im trying to split LR between two monitors but I haven't come up with the secret yet. Any help?
Update to OP. In further research a more correct wording might be "can you float individual panels in Lr like you can in Ps". From what I'm seeing you can't.
I don't know; my eyes don't like working split like that so I've never tried, but I thought you could; I'm sure I've seen screen captures of LR where people are working split-screen.
I don't know; my eyes don't like working split like that so I've never tried, but I thought you could; I'm sure I've seen screen captures of LR where people are working split-screen.

From what I'm seeing you only have certain default settings for splitting Lr. Unlike Ps which has true floating panels. Hoping someone can prove me wrong.
Putting histogram, basic, tone, etc on monitor two and having full (or close to) full screen image on calibrated monitor 1 (main) that I edit on
Putting histogram, basic, tone, etc on monitor two and having full (or close to) full screen image on calibrated monitor 1 (main) that I edit on

You can sorta do that. You can have your regular developer window on one monitor, increase the panels as much as it will go. You will still have an image there. But you can then have the full image showing on the second monitor reflecting your changes.
@BrentC I found that out, it works but it drives the OCD in me bananas. LOL I hooked my laptop to an old monitor I had. The laptop monitor is color calibrated, and my graphics card doesn't support split calibration. Trying to gain some real estate for things that don't require calibration on the secondary monitor
You could use the second display for file management chores.
or TPF
You could use the second display for file management chores.

That works partially, Lr lets you display a file in grid view, but will default to loupe without warning making you go back and click on grid. Ps works great as all the panels are floating, you can drag them where ever you want
Yeah, I don't think you can get quite what you are after, best option is what Brent describes.

I only really use dual monitors at work and have them both calibrated just so the colour difference doesn't drive me nuts, seeing other peoples monitors with a warm tint on one and a cool tint on the other kinda gets me twitching a bit ;). Guess I was lucky though, dual calibration just worked.

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