strange noise problems at high iso on 20d


TPF Noob!
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Detroit MI
i understand that at high iso one is going to have lots of noise. i am no stranger to noise and i even want it sometimes for some of my shots. the grain is especially nice in black and white shots. this noise on my digital is not the noise i have grown used to with my tmax p3200. this noise (on my 20d) is not uniform if you know what i is liniar. it has these, sort of, "noise lines". i have seen other shots on the net shot at 3200 on a 20d and they did not seem to have the same issue. the reason why i am posting this is i want to know wether or not to send my 20d in for repair because i still have a couple of months on my 1yr warranty left. any help would be appreaicted.

these are links to the photos. (warning: huge files)
they have to be big because i have tried making them smaller and the detail is lost.
on noise2 especially look at the pickguard.
Looks absolutely fine to me, you shot your 20D at 1/80th of a second, F4 in aperture priority mode at 3200 ISO, with no flash at 70mm - it's going to be noisy.

Digital noise will never be comparable to tmax 3200. If that's what you are expecting, you'll be dissapointed every time. That looks just like the noise I get at 3200.
Digital Matt said:
Digital noise will never be comparable to tmax 3200. If that's what you are expecting, you'll be dissapointed every time. That looks just like the noise I get at 3200.

i guess i wont be throwing away my film body after all :) the reason i went digital in the first place is because i dont have access to a darkroom anymore.
oh well.
There are noise reduction programs. Have a look at Neat Image and Noise Ninja.

On the other end, if you want can take a sharp shot at lower ISO and add a grain type effect with Photoshop.
Big Mike said:
There are noise reduction programs. Have a look at Neat Image and Noise Ninja.

On the other end, if you want can take a sharp shot at lower ISO and add a grain type effect with Photoshop.
Good idea. Those shots don't look like they need anything near 3200.
markc said:
Good idea. Those shots don't look like they need anything near 3200.
oh, dont get me wrong. these shots were just to show the noise. besides this, they were never meant to see the light of day. lol

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