Strobe Light For Elinchrom Rotalux Softbox


TPF Noob!
Apr 15, 2014
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Hello everyone. I'm very raw at photography, so I have a quick question.

I recently bought an Elinchrom Rotalux 20x51 Softbox, spending that much on the box my funds are low for a strobe light. I was looking at either a Neewer or Cowboystudio strobe, but it seems as though I would need an adapter to fit the soft box, if they even make one for those brands.

What would you suggest for a decent strobe for under $200? Thanks for all the help!!

Gee, don't you think you got it a little backwards? Buy a good light and a cheap softbox not an expensive softbox and a cheap light. The strobe will get more use than the softbox. Just my 2 cents.
Yeah I thought the same. But for what I'm doing I wanted a strip box, and this seemed to be the best out there. At the time not realizing how pricey strobe lights are. So now I'm a bit stuck looking for a decent light that will fit my box with my budget now :(
What you need with the moonlight is the speedring adapter for the Rotalux. Check out They make third party modifiers for popular moonlights (I have their beauty dish for my Elinchrom's). They make a monolight and speedrings for your price range.
Thanks for the help!! If you don't mind me asking, what is the difference between a moonlight and a strobe light?
Moonlight = monolight <---darn autocorrect!

In a very elementary explanation, strobes are a generic term for flash (discussion of what exactly defines a "strobe" could last for pages) which could be a speedlight, monolight, pack and head system, etc. A monolight contains the power and flash in one unit. With the size of your softbox and budget, a monolight is your best route for light.

I would offer up this: Elinchrom monolights produce some very tasty light. You have a really good soft box. Consider saving up a few more bucks and go with one of the entry level lights. Or, sell the soft box, add that money to your $200 and get a two light monolight kit like Flashpoints from Adorama, Interfit or Impact.

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