Stroboscropic Effect with SB-800??


TPF Noob!
Feb 9, 2008
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Hi all, I recently purchased an SB-800 and am still coming to grips with its various functions, however, I can't for the life of me figure out how to get it to fire repeated flashs to create a stroboscopic effect. I use a Nikon D200, if anyone has done this and can walk me through it, I'd be much obliged.

Sorry for being a jerk, but I feel it's appropriate for this thread.

USE THE MANUAL, Since it seems you know how to type, i'm sure you can read.
Perhaps I should be more specific; after READING the manual, I still cannot get the flash to fire more than a single burst of light. It works perfectly when I fire off the test button, but when I press the shutter it only fires off one flash. I'm guessing there is some setting on the camera that I am overlooking, and if anyone could offer some CONSTRUCTIVE, advice I would appreciate it.

Thanks again,
Hi Karina,
First, Hi and welcome to the forum. I'm glad you found us here and decided to join.
Second, if your subject requires the flash to output so much light the flash is discharged to a point it must recharge before the next shot it will take a few seconds. The red flash charge indicator in the viewfinder will blink to let you know it is discharged and warn the image may be underexposed. Are you trying to shoot in continuous shutter mode with the flash? If so, the flash may not take more than a few shots before needing to regenerate. Try increasing the ISO or a larger aperture to get as many shots as you may require. I will not be much more that 6-8 in the best of circumstances. Don't know if this answered your question or not. Let us know, we can be helpful when we try.
My manual is in german and it was not clearly explained, not sure if it's just lost in translation though.

Setting the flash to RPT you have the option of burst numbers and frequency. For arguement lets say 6 bursts at 3 Hz. Now taking a photo and bam you're stuck with one flash.

Setting the flash to RPT does not tell the camera that you need to sync slowly. The camera still fires at 1/60th takes one shot, flash realizes shutter is closed and stops firing. You need to set the camera to M (manual) mode and set the shutter length long enough to get all the shots in eg 6bursts 3hz = >2 seconds.

Other options is to set slow-sync mode in the camera flash settings and have exposure dark enough to make the required time.
Thanks all, I got it working.

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