Suggested feature - forum jargon buster


hmm I recognise this place! And some of you!
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May 1, 2008
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Soo we've a lot of jargon terms that we use in photography. We know what they mean, but some people get really confused, especailly when they are new and trying to digest new information and someone has a post full of P mode, OOF, OCF, f number, f, ISO, ASA etc....

So I was thinking, couldn't we use the sites automatic word filter extensions to highlight those words and provide a mouse over prompt giving the most common (photographically speaking) expansion of the term. I know we already have it working for a few other things related to the google thing that gets you ranking high in google (I forget what its called) so why not add to it since its already a feature of the software.
I disagree. Make it so they have to go out and look it up and maybe they will find more than what they were looking for.
That can be hard when they've a wall of new terms and jargon and acronyms and a few in-jokes to sift through. All this does is take the abbreviations and expand them out into actual words; now if they don't understand those words they've got a MUCH easier time finding out about them, plus it makes it a lot easier to digest the information they are being presented with by users on the site.
I disagree. Make it so they have to go out and look it up and maybe they will find more than what they were looking for.

Go ahead. Google "oof" and see what you get. It IS more than you might be looking for, but not in any photography-related way. ;-)
I'll just say the first result was from the Urban Dictionary… :lmao:

There are simply too many abbreviations and "jargon" words we use that would be extremely difficult to do a very successful search on. (Complete non sequitur: To this day, I cannot end a sentence in a preposition without hearing the voice of my 9th grade teacher and later good friend, say "look behind the at" But sometimes, there's just nothing behind the "at.")

I think that would be a very reasonable way of people being able to figure out some of the more basic jargon, Over. I vote a resounding YES…so long as it requires absolutely no effort on MY part, mind you. :D
if photography was the only hobby/profession that used abbreviations I'd say sure ... make it easy for them.

Or maybe just have a page of abbreviation compilations that you can send a link to anyone that asks

or wait for Keith to respond with a bunch of links :)
It would appear that Wiki has a good start, but:
SOOCShot out of camera. Images as shot out of camera;
And here all this time I thought it was; "STRAIGHT out of camera". Oh, well.

And I didn't see any reference to OCF. Which of course could mean either ON or OFF camera flash, depending on the user.
I disagree. Make it so they have to go out and look it up and maybe they will find more than what they were looking for.

I disagree with your disagreement. I think that not only should they have to run out and look it up, I think there should be an obstacle course involved. A ninja warrior kind of deal.
I disagree. Make it so they have to go out and look it up and maybe they will find more than what they were looking for.

I disagree with your disagreement. I think that not only should they have to run out and look it up, I think there should be an obstacle course involved. A ninja warrior kind of deal.

just use a random abbreviation generator.
We can use it monthly for common abbreviations .. just to keep people on their toes.
If a person is ambitious enough to see an acronym they don't know and go look it up chances are they are going to be a better student.
People are lazy, the less they need to do the better.

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