The Crowned Queen


TPF Noob!
Oct 4, 2011
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Hi there!

I´m quite new to the forum but I won´t lose any time to post some of my work :)

So here´s a first image of mine and I´m always happy to get some positive/negative feedback on my stuff!

- Peter
Great shot, was this shot using only ambient light?
I like this but dont know how i feel about her being lined up on the same axis as the tree above. Seems very linear.
I like this but dont know how i feel about her being lined up on the same axis as the tree above. Seems very linear.

I think that's her crown :p
I like this but dont know how i feel about her being lined up on the same axis as the tree above. Seems very linear.

I think that's her crown :p

oh, lol. No offense OP.

hehe :) in another gorum many people don´t seem to like the tree in the background and the linear lineup! in my opinion that´s what makes the shot interesting! if the model would be turned more towards the camera it would just be another shot from a girl standing in front of a scenery. this way I have the feeling that she aligns perfectly with the environment :) but that´s just my taste!
I like the contrast but don't know how it will feel without that tree. Since it is a portrait shot, I guess the tree adds to it. Great shot overall

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