The Girls (and sometimes Bob)

I was such a cliche this morning - cat snoozing on my lap while I knit.

I've been gone all week, miss my babies.
Behind her is a little backpack made out of sweatshirt material. I was cleaning things out, getting stuff ready to go to the Goodwill and was planning to donate that backpack. Zelda had other ideas. It's now one of her favorite beds. Well, for the moment, anyway. So on the floor it stays until she loses interest.

Oh, and that bag of treats behind her? Every night, I put that back on the desk, and every morning, I find it on the floor in a different position. She likes to bat it around. Silly brats.

I've been gone all week, miss my babies.

I know what that's like. I miss them horribly when I'm away. I'll be away for a week in May and then another week in June.

The first time I left them was a few months after I got them, so they were still kittens, about 4 months old. I was afraid they were going to be mad when I got home, but instead, I walked through the door and Zelda came running up to see what was going on. I swear she got this look on her little face, like, "Oh my god, the mama is back!" I knelt down and she came running over to rub her face all over mine. She was so happy. Mrs. Parker then butted in and started rubbing, too. :586:

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