The LightSpeed CHALLENGE. I WANT YOU. Admins , send me a bill.

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TPF Noob!
Oct 4, 2010
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Can others edit my Photos
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So here it is folks.
I am LightSpeed. I have never walked away from a fight in my life.

I like the photo forum. I like the people who made the photo forum happen.
I like what the photo forum has made me. This place will school you.
Best learning tool for photography I've ever seen.

In light of that.
Naptime, Ron Evers, Sammy Lou ( look that one up, spelt it wrong) Phoenix, Tyler ( can you believe it), e.rose, <----the new supporting members.
Courtesy of LightSpeed.

What up boy?

We gonna see.

LightSpeed - THE supporting member among the many supporting members.
Takin it to the house.

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Lol, nice. Buying a D4 and paying for others memberships. You must have a goose that lays golden eggs!
At this rate we'll have to think up new prizes for the monthly competitions :P
yea ... i have no idea what the point of this post is
Yeah, I'm lost. What's the "challenge" part of the LightSpeed challenge? And did you really just pay for those folks' memberships? Man, I shoulda waited a week!

Besides, I'm feeling pretty down that I wasn't even pretty enough to beat out naptime for a spot. That hurts, man. :lmao:
Nice Light!!. Your pictures are almost as good as your generosity :-P. J/K of course
I don't recall endorsing or supporting anything.

Filling me in might be cool.
Yeah, I'm lost. What's the "challenge" part of the LightSpeed challenge? And did you really just pay for those folks' memberships? Man, I shoulda waited a week!

Besides, I'm feeling pretty down that I wasn't even pretty enough to beat out naptime for a spot. That hurts, man. :lmao:

I think the challenge is just putting up with him.
Lightspeed is serious about paying for the memberships! In another thread, he offered to do so in while having a tiff with another member. (the names for the free membership were a little different in the original post... don't know if they are still included or not!)

Light.. you could just have those members join.. and then reimburse them.... although I don't see why the mods / admins can't set something up.
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