The Lone Ranger - hi ho hmm...


TPF Noob!
Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score
Oxford, UK
Don't know why I like this but I do.

WOW! just wow
this would be very nice printed laaarge!! :)
Yeah a large print would be insane :D The lines on the ground give it a very 'fine art-ish' look to me :) Absolutely no distortion either, perfect :thumbup:
Yeah a large print would be insane :D The lines on the ground give it a very 'fine art-ish' look to me :) Absolutely no distortion either, perfect :thumbup:

There actually does appear to be some distortion in the middle...but it's ok.

The only problem I think is the semi muted colours...but I like the shot overall. Very good concept.
What's not to like :thumbup:
Interesting clouds, great sense of scale, I can smell the air!

That is a nice shot. I love the atmosphere and scale that is created with the horse/guy, it really puts it all into scale. This is a rare find to me, because the 'wow' factor that all great shots have, in this case, is simply the grand size and emptiness of the shot. Very rarely is emptiness and nothingness everything in a shot. I love it.
The title is your choice, but mate, the image is 'kin brilliant.

Without the horse and rider, I don't think scale would have been defined otherwise.

Well done.
Great shot- the similarity to soda dry lake here is eerie with the exception that your location looks much larger. Salt sink?
Killer shot, Tempra! The layers of cloud are so interesting, and then one's eye meanders down to find the horseback rider, and the large scale of the shot sinks in. Well done.
So it's not just me then! :D

This was shot on the beach at Lytham St Annes near Blackpool with the tide out looking out over the Irish Sea Abraxas - I don't think we have any salt sinks in the UK.

Glad you guys and gals like it!
Hey - one more gal here who likes it! :D
Love it. :thumbup::thumbup: The clouds, and that empty feelin, with the little dude on the horse is soo cool. Well done.
a great picture - I wonder if a little more contrast would enhance the effect more - something along these lines?

If it you like the effect, I applied 25pixels of LocalContrast - that's all
Thanks for sharing
When I first looked at it I was like "Hmm, where's the subject?" then my eyes found the little tiny horse and rider. Amazing shot, that totally turned it into an awesome picture.

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