The new kid on the block


TPF Noob!
Nov 13, 2008
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Finally Amazon had 3 arriving. Been waiting for over a month now. This should make my bridal shoot really good on Saturday. Paid $12 for 2 day shipping and it'll be here tomorrow :) Seen the side by side comparison to the canon 85 1.2L and even at 1.2 vs 1.4 you can't tell difference. Seemed like a very smart purchase after reading raving reviews.

*drools* That's awesome! Can't wait to see the results from your bridal shoot! :)
thanks Rausch :) I am hoping it's fine out of the box. I know previous members had issues with auto focusing but Sigma fine tunes it and its fine.

I never had a dslr or lenses ... However, that lens seems promising and quality producer too ...

I might think of such when buying my 1st. dslr ...
What do you do for a living? lol

I wish I could afford top o the line stuffs. :greenpbl:
Wayne, I will haha. Well maybe not all my secrets now :)

Mota yes it definitely beats the price of the canon L version which is $1900 but looking at IQ I couldn't see a reason to do that. I am going to spend that money and get some other gear or maybe a 35 1.4L

Miss T. I can't say I'm poor and I can't say I'm rich. But it is an investment for future. I think eventually it'll pay for itself :)
thanks four. I am excited. says its coming tomorrow but amazon says shipping soon. odd
I dont know abnut the Sigma but the Canon 1.2.......uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh I want...I want...I want. If its any comparison at all it should be amazing. I used a friends Canon 1.2 one time. Thats all it took to fall in love with it.
I love Sigma lenses. I find the IQ to be outstanding. I'm sure there are some exceptions to this but I will use my Sigma 50mm over my Pentax 50mm any day :)

Congrats on the new purchase, can't wait to see what you get with it!
For half the price, I am impressed. They do look very close.
Scroll down and you'll see it's pic of camera and a girl. Using the Sigma vs the Canon and look at the difference. Tell me if you see any.
In those two example of the (very bored looking) girl, the comparisions are quite evident to me. Canon wins, but Sigma is no slouch.

Gratz on the lens. All the best.

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