Time of day....


TPF Noob!
Jun 27, 2010
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Mason Texas
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Hey guys!! I have heard varying opinions on this so wanted to get everyone's input on this. What is the best time of day to do outdoor portrait photography? Most of what I have seen or read says to do pics in early to mid morning when the sun is still low, and as the sun begins to become more direct to move into a shaded area to get away from the harsh effects direct sun can make. Is this correct?? Do you agree?? Any other tips would be appreciated!! Thanks! :)
I agree that early morning, or late afternoon, when the sun isn't so harsh on the subject. Of course, with the proper lighting, there are ways around that... but as a general rule, the soft light of morning and evening are the best.
If you know how to mix ambient and flash any time of the day will do, what if your sitter can only make it midday
I personally love shooting in the late afternoon into evening. I'm addicted to the quality of the light, that warm creamy, buttery feel that fills the air.

Hell, that's just my favorite time of day pariod.
If you shoot with high sun, the sun needs to not be your main light. It can easily be used as a hairlight with a flash to light up the face.

And watch out for squinting.

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