To those who ask for help-


TPF Noob!
Jun 6, 2010
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Am I the only one who gets frustrated when someone asks for advice, or a recommendation or an opinion and gets a bunch of responses but never responds to the help given? For instance they will ask what to see or do on a specific vacation and recieve all sorts of good advice and never respond with a thank you or follow up on their post. Bugs the hell out of me ! :grumpy:
It's the internet. People don't have to have manners here. Most of the ones asking for advice like you mentioned aren't around for very long anyway. There are always the ones who will give you thanks either in a thread or privately. That's the best you are going to get on the net.
For us "OLD" people it is annoying as hell. But once you learn to live with it and ignore the lack of manners the thanks you do get mean a whole lot more!
It's the internet. People don't have to have manners here. Most of the ones asking for advice like you mentioned aren't around for very long anyway. There are always the ones who will give you thanks either in a thread or privately. That's the best you are going to get on the net.
For us "OLD" people it is annoying as hell. But once you learn to live with it and ignore the lack of manners the thanks you do get mean a whole lot more!

Thanks, it's good to know that there are others that feel this way, by the way, I'm one of the "Old" ones, that's why I brought it up, there's a real lack of manners these days.
Yep. And not just here!
I spent the weekend shooting a wrestling tournament where I see it ALL. There are teams who are so incredibly ill mannered I am shocked that the school doesn't bring the coaches and the team to heel. Then I see teams so well mannered that it surprises me.
I am so involved in the schools with shooting that I see it all form the kids to their parents TO THE TEACHERS! And the worst offenders? The ones who never purchase anything. Demanding, rude, annoying... They want to know when a game will be posted if it's not up within an hour or why I didn't get the shot of their kid's perfect plays... but NEVER purchase a thing or say "thanks." OR better yet the ones who get pissy at me for being in their way but then want to know when and why but don't purchase...
What do you think they are doing???

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