Topaz Denoise for soccer pictures?


TPF Noob!
May 8, 2024
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I'm contemplating getting Topaz Denoise to help fix my night-time soccer game pictures. I use Auto ISO and with the spotty lighting at high school fields, my ISO can get pretty high. How good of a job does Topaz do with shots like that? Is it worth the investment?
I have been using it for several years and run my granddaughter's basketball pics through it. Very high ISO with gym lighting and it does a nice job. Also, some of my bird photos get pretty high as well.

ISO 16000

ISO 12800

I don't know if you can buy DeNoise AI anymore. Topaz has replaced both DeNoise AI and Sharpen AI with Photo AI, which includes both DeNoise and Sharpen. Check their website.

I use Adobe LrC and PS for most of my post processing. The noise and sharpen filters are pretty good as long as the artifacts are minor to moderate. When you have a lot of noise or blur (camera shake, subject moved, out of focus) then you want to use the Topaz tools. I have rescued photos I thought were trash with the Topaz tools. Sooner or later Adobe will catch up, but for now Topaz has a superior set of products. Now, it you are looking to enhance your images with a bit of AI, then Adobe PS (Beta) is amazing.
I think it comes down to money. Photoshop is the best tool to use. But affinity and topaz ai are much cheaper. Gimp is free to use (open source and gnu license(nice)).

Users here who say Photoshop isn't that good at noise reduction simply don't know what they're talking about. Photoshop is the best of the best. But like using a knife you can cut fine details out of stuff or you can make a mess of things. And I believe a lot of users just make a mess.

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