***TPF Fight Club*** Round 3 Today, 2:00EST

:er: Hmm , am I late, or is it cancelled.
unless the topics really are TBA - though its rather hard to visualise that 4 times
I thought we were up for a challenge - x4 TBA's and a YBA should be no trouble for photogs of our calibre...
May I be so bold as to offer up 5 topics and we can get going???
OK...I've never done this before...so how about YOU get to choose 5 of the 6!??

1. Purple
2. "Not my cup of tea"
3. Wet and wild
4. Black and white
5. cold as ice
6. Feet first

OH crap...I just saw the topics....got 40 minutes. :lol:
ack i'll be giving this one a miss, look forward to voting though..

good luck and aw that jazz! :lol:..

(..goes off to finish his surrealism image).

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