typo that is ubiquitous here on TPF for some reason


Completely Counter-dependent
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Dec 11, 2006
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Few people today care about using proper pronunciation, spelling, grammar, punctuation etc. They just bang on the buttons of their keyboard or smart device and leave it to the reader to sort out what they are trying to say. And with the next generation so spoon-fed by technology, it will only get worse.

There's a difference between "Helping my Uncle, Jack, off his horse," and "helping my uncle jack off his horse". Sadly, kids these days don't care.
The list goes on: to/too, lens/lense, there/their . . .

I once read "Grammar is the difference between knowing your sh*t and knowing you're sh*t."
Few people today care about using proper pronunciation, spelling, grammar, punctuation etc. They just bang on the buttons of their keyboard or smart device and leave it to the reader to sort out what they are trying to say. And with the next generation so spoon-fed by technology, it will only get worse. There's a difference between "Helping my Uncle, Jack, off his horse," and "helping my uncle jack off his horse". Sadly, kids these days don't care.

Sparky I had to laugh, but so true!
On an electricians' forum, I see a lot who don't know the difference between arc, ark and arch, as well as site, cite and sight.
No computer can help you with 9000 level College English writing formats like MLA and APA and CPT...

The list goes on: to/too, lens/lense, there/their . . .

I once read "Grammar is the difference between knowing your sh*t and knowing you're sh*t."

using apostrophes for plurals

You're right. The list can go on.

Hey, let's eat Grandpa!

Hey, let's eat, Grandpa!

Yes, paid, payed. The proper per se as opposed to per say. The list of common word usage errors is lengthy. One I find interesting is defiantly as opposed to definitely. One I see commonly used is "your welcome". Ack! Not you're welcome, but your welcome. And I do not mean as in, "You have worn our your welcome."

Ahhh...where is James J. Kilpatrick when we need him? Oh, yeah, that's right, he's been worm food for years now.
oh oh oh wait...

Before this goes any further I just want to know one thing: "Do you forgive me for my grammar?" :blushing:
Much of what I do professionally is editorial work. So I definitely (NOT defiantly) agree with you.

There are myriad examples of the egregious decline in our ability to use grammar correctly; if I get started, I'm afraid I could spend the rest of the day on a rant about it.

Since Lew is specifically talking about one he sees on TPF often, I'll add (in addition to "defiantly"):
Amateur is someone who does something for pleasure rather than as a job.
Armature has two meanings--neither of them make it a synonym for amateur.
oh oh oh wait...

Before this goes any further I just want to know one thing: "Do you forgive me for my grammar?" :blushing:

I give great allowance to those for whom English is not their first language. English can be a difficult language to learn, and I find that most ESL individuals actually do a remarkable job, because they are typically fairly diligent to do their best (and I would include you in that group). My issues are with those who were born here, raised here, learned the language AND the grammar, but are simply too lazy and disinterested to even attempt being grammatically correct.
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"I could care less!"

Really? Let me know when you do, since most people couldn't care less.
oh oh oh wait...

Before this goes any further I just want to know one thing: "Do you forgive me for my grammar?" :blushing:

I give great allowance to those for whom English is not their first language. English can be a difficult language to learn, and I find that most ESL individuals actually do a remarkable job, because they are typically fairly diligent to do their best (and I would include you in that group). My issues are with those who were born here, raised here, learned the language AND the grammar, but are simply too lazy and disinterested to even attempt being grammatically correct.

I'm actually very satisfied because everything mentioned above is not something I personally do, I don't make those mistakes they're-their, lose-loose. to-too and similar. Those are really some basics that you simply "learn and know". Even though English isn't my language I do notice those mistakes and I am bothered with them.

Do I have the right to be bothered by that? No, because I make bigger mistakes. But then again, that really is the problem. Those mistakes are so minor that I can't comprehend how people don't care.

It's not just about English for me, of course. I'm also sensitive about that kind of grammar mistakes people make in my own language and if I was better in German (English is self taught, German I learned in school), it would be the same.

Got to add, sorry... I was so pis*ed of on Friday because three people (freshly from College) don't know basics and I had to correct them again before publishing what they wrote and corrected two times before I decided to accept.

:hug:: for underlined part
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First of all, maria - you are not only forgiven for your English, but you should also be applauded for your English! :)


"I could care less!"
Really? Let me know when you do, since most people couldn't care less.

I don't want to get started on this. It's not a mistake. The criticism of it is nothing more than selective hyper-literalism about language that is simply false.

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