Unique Idea's for company photoshoot (Real Estate Company)


TPF Noob!
Jan 17, 2012
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Hi there - I'm new to this forum and have been spying on it for a couple weeks and I have noticed that there are alot of experianced and talented photographers. I need some insight and suggestions if you don't mind.

I will be photographing a Real Estate team who is looking for a shoot outside of the box. Typicall with real estate photoshoots, you takes pics with a beautiful city skyline, or with houses in the background however this team is looking for something more unique, trendy, modern but still professional. I was thinking at the top of a parkade, maybe by a train/subway station, downtown - but can you guys think of any cool ideas?

Do they have a slogan at all? Perhaps knowing the core values of the business could help you come up with some ideas. When someone says out of the box it opens up a lot of doors. However, 'out of the box' could mean a wide variety of things. So perhaps doing a sit down session with them to get to know how they do business and who they are as a business could help to narrow down what it is their specifically looking for. More over what about your photography drew them to you to hire you over others. While yes their real estate I'm sure that's not what defines them. Also don't be afraid to ask them what they generally mean by out of the box.

Sometimes getting a list of what they don't want will be useful as well.
Interesting challenge - when I first read this, I got a picture in my mind of a bunch of guys (how many in the "team") standing beside large cardboard boxes - don't know why, or where it came from (no I haven't been drinking and I am not high!) - maybe standing in a large field with a view of some houses in the background - with something to suggest that they are a group that "thinks outside the box for its customers" - anyway my 0.02¢ worth.


Welcome to the forum. How are you liking the weather here in Edmonton? :lol:

Are we talking about a group shot of the team, or individual 'head shots' or both? When I think of photos of real-eastate agents, it's usually just a tight headshot for putting on their business cards and other marketing materials/adds. Hard to go too far 'out of the box' with a tight head shot.

An idea of something that could be different and out-of-the-box enough for them, is to shoot & process for the Dave Hill Effect.
Field shot, in front of a very photogenic house.

Down the center of the shot runs the sidewalk leading to the front door. On either side of the walkway are all the agents, each with an out-stretched arm & hand leading you toward the door. Basically, each side of the image would be a mirror of the other.
If you wanted to do something showing that they are family-oriented you could have a shot of a happy family sitting down for dinner or something and have the agent eating with them, but where they look like just another member of the family. You could potentially do this with all sorts of family activities.
Out the Box = Nude (ties for the guys and high heels only for the women)

When they freak out, tell them, "You wanted out the box...." and then take them down the street to shoot them in front of some houses (fully clothed)
Out the Box = Nude (ties for the guys and high heels only for the women)

When they freak out, tell them, "You wanted out the box...." and then take them down the street to shoot them in front of some houses (fully clothed)

That was actually my first thought on the matter! :p
Hi there - I'm new to this forum and have been spying on it for a couple weeks and I have noticed that there are alot of experianced and talented photographers. I need some insight and suggestions if you don't mind.
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Maybe a tent in front of the White House or a house boat :lmao:

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