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Aug 15, 2006
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By the terms of my parole for life I am compelled to make a pilgrimage and walk the maze of the Urbanopolis to find my chamber every 7 years..

Plate 1:

On this visit the complex did not look correct- I checked to see if it were real. It wasn't. It was best this way.

Plate 2:

Things became more familiar as I approached the entry channel. Once past this point there was no turning back.

Plate 3:

The shredding wall felt thick of sickening grease from the sweaty hands of other criminals who had backed along it for the millennia previous.

Plate 4:

The appearance of an opportunity to escape near the cell of my caste was a deadly illusion.

Plate 5:

I looked back at the soft, dull light after climbing down into the chamber.

Plate 6:

And turned to my corner to remain motionless and silent for 3 days and nights.

good shots, but I felt the over the top narrative could have been toned down and made for a better experience.

Also, what the heck are plates?
Excellent series dude. Very expressive photos and thanks for the filling in the gaps with your descriptive storytelling.

.....but I felt the over the top narrative could have been toned down and made for a better experience.
:confused: :shock::whip::spank: :roll:
Plates were the earliest form of photographic film, in which a light-sensitive emulsion of silver salts was applied to a glass plate. used in the early days of photography, and so some still refer to photographs as plates.
Thank you everyone!

I've been in a grizzly-science-fiction sort of state of mind lately. These reflect it pretty decently for me.

The -plate #'s- had a nice feel to them. They reminded me of old books I used to browse through with tiny little descriptions under the full page photo/illustration.

I meant to go 'over the top' with the narrative. I wanted short, yet eloborate. I dunno if they still make them, but about 30 years ago I was into Heavy Metal Magazine. Very spaced and neo-fantasy. Top quality illustration art. Doubt there's a need for the publication now-a-days.

My wife and girlfriend have been after me to do a book. Don't know what other use I'd have for this stuff I've been putting out lately.
Dude...Im really diggin this series. :thumbup::thumbup: Im glad you took that extra creative step and add the narrative. I feel it really adds to these images and sets a mood. Well done!!!
.........hmm. I remember Heavy Metal. Did you ever see the movie?
Heavy Metal Magazine Kicked A$$ in it's day. And the movie was majorly awesome/cool. It (the magazine) I think is still around.

abraxas, where where the photos taken at? Awesome locale.
Thanks Chiller and Malkav41. I never did see the movie but for some reason I still think of the magazine. There was some killer fiction in there.
The first shot cracks me up.

The only problem I have here is that these shots don't seem to mesh with what you are sayin. You've got some really out there storytelling yet the shots are a little too formal in comp; they are done well, but I think something a bit more expressive and/or disjunctive would be interesting. The first shot nails it, it's such an interesting and humorous sensibility, but the rest don't speak to me in the same way.

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