what background


TPF Noob!
Mar 22, 2011
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So Cal (Anaheim)
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I want to shoot some portraits and I'm always finding myself going to a park. What are some of the locations you guys use?
When I shoot portraits 99% of the time I do not like any background, if so I like it distorted ( A Good Bokeh effect" It all depends of what type of portrait you want to get. I worry more about light and lighting.
Old/cool looking buildings is another option
Truck docks. Downtown alleys. Hill tops. A local junior college. The outside of a nearby new public library. The county courthouse building.

I've got a list of 100 or so spots. Whenever I'm out and about I keep my eyes peeled and mix up what routes I take so I see new possibilities.
Kmh want to send me a list of some of yours? Lol. Like someone said it depends on what your shooting determine your background
Any themes you guys like to stick with? Like I did a some pics of a model dresses in western clothing and we used a old barn.
on image 1 and 3 the light post is really distracting and so are the people. Also on image one I think there is too much space on top, but thats just my taste. Did you use a speed light or is it all natural light? As for spots...depends on who you are shooting and what types of landscape you have around you to make it work. I like shooting on railroad track (safely) sometimes the more obvious spots work best.
I want to shoot some portraits and I'm always finding myself going to a park. What are some of the locations you guys use?



Perhaps just the road?



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There is no specific background for portraits, it can be a simple road, a terrace or anything, even tracks as earlier said,it does not matter what background you use as far as you know what you are doing, click'em to know.
Better use a higher speed, a reflector (or a softbox) on the girl's face, a dark background and a big aperture, and you'll manage at any park. This is a quick fix with Photoshop.

Parks are good in the spring and fall.
Not so much winter or mid summer. Then I look for more urban settings, and or country side with less empty branches and/or less dull green light.
I was using 430 EX II as a flash. Is it to much light?

no. actually you could have used a little more light on her to make her pop out more. Its good to ask for opinions on here cause it makes you think about composition and light for next time. keep on shooting my friend and good luck.

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