what do you shoot in the winter if you don't like going out in the cold.


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Mar 23, 2014
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Akron Ohio
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I am one of those people who does not enjoy going out in the cold so ill probably be staying inside.

I don't see many interesting things to shoot around the house. Ill try and get some people over to photography but most the people I know probably wont care about getting nice photos taken.

Those of you that hate the cold and want to stay in, what do you guys usually shoot in the winter.
lots and lots of photos of my kids. you could get into still life too, learn product photography (which I could probably use some of myself). Get more involved in lighting setups. On the winter shooting subject, I agree it sucks going out in the cold. ON the other hand, I commented on this before as in some ways it is some of the best photography (imo) because once the foliage falls it is less obstructions in your way. Where I couldn't get that certain shot before now all the leaves are gone and now I can as they aren't IN THE WAY. It makes the same photo taken before a totally different photo offering a new perspective. Good time for bw too. Just hard to get yourself motivated to be "out there". The cold does suck. I am probably just typing this preparing myself to talk myself into it more than you. lol.
Set up a profile on MM and get a studio; endless supply of free (albeit with a high flake factor) of people who WANT to stand in front of a camera. Most dance and fitness studios will rent you space when the facility isn't in use.
I don't have much interest in product photography, unless they want to pay me for it but I wold imagine it would be hard to land a gig like that. I don't have any kids,

I know it would be a good time to be out for wildlife shots due to what you have said but I just cant see my self going out when its 30o or less which has already started here, I am sure there will be a few not so cold days and I hope those happen to be on my days off since I work nights and sleep all day during the week.
Thats pretty cool, unfortunately all I have for backdrops are some bed sheets to hang up and not any money to spend at the moment or that would seem like a great idea.
I convince the neighbor kids to come over, then I chain them up and force them to sit still while I take photographs. :)
LOL and what do their parents think about that.
I'm one of those odd people who LOVE the cold, so I'll be outside doing photography. I went out after last years ice store and was laying under the branches covered in ice, in snow and ice taking pictures. Got some of my best shots. And no obstructions for wild life. I was doing the happy dance this morning because it FINALLY snowed here.
I don't that much necessarily in the winter, unless I'm going to a hockey game (which because of some phys. rehab. has me hobbling and somewhat limited but wasn't shooting that regularly anyway, just for fun). If it snows and looks scenic for a change instead of freezing rain and mud etc. I might get out to take some photos, maybe take a drive, I can do a lot from the car without actual tromping around in it. lol

I so some alternate processes and have a black box full of prints to fix so that'll be a good wintertime project. Maybe an online course? or if there's anything online related to whatever type photography interests you.

I've been a photographer for years, there have been times I haven't done much with it because of other things going on; sometimes a break I think can actually refresh you to come back to it with some excitement or enthusiasm.
I don't have a choice. Just bundle up and go out.

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