What is art and do we even need it?

So I got to thinking earlier - what the heck is art anyway.

Definition of art
  1. skill acquired by experience, study, or observation
From Merriam - Webster, a noun. I think it's appropriate that this is number one on the list, as it is the most basic of answers to your question. To often the pseudo-intellectuals seek to define art in their own limited area of experience, failing to realize the enormity of the term.
As an artist (other than a photographer) you are required to take pictures of your art in order to submit your art digitally for exhibitions, presentations and for promotional purposes. I think that photo art is really hard and amazing. Sometimes you should be real magician to make it works.
Really. Tell me what camera did Van Gogh use to photograph his works? Leonardo seems to me to be a hasselblad kinda guy but I could be wrong.
While I don't think art has gone so far as to be meaningless, I do agree with some of your points. I think some people are so desperate to have a self-claimed identity validated by others that they pull and stretch and distort the meaning of what is art beyond reasonable recognition. It's become a very "hipster" kind of thing, and also popular to blame the viewer for not understanding the "meaning" even when the artist is completely unable to articulate it in any real way.

Art has always been a force that can move our culture in a forward direction. When done well, art can challenge us to see something from a new perspective, consider a different reality, and give us a window into the other that is so often shielded by our same. But I think this has been corrupted in the most recent modern times, with people wanting in on the cultural movement without having to apply any mindfulness to their contributions. I personally have to be very guarded in modern art exhibits because I easily get angry over the apparent lack of depth in the artist's intentions (not all modern art is this way, there are still some truly inspired artists doing brilliant work). Everybody wants the fame of being the next of the greats, but very few are willing to put in the leg work to earn that distinction.

My position is that yes, there is the potential for art all around us. But it's not laying not the ground waiting to be picked up like a dropped penny. It is something that takes skill and determination to unearth and present, and it's high time we started demanding this level of thoughtfulness and effort once more from our art and artists.

I also think it's a result of our current state of society that encourages and rewards mediocrity while actively trying to stamp out the truly exceptional and unique. But that's a rant for a different day.

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