What lenses should I be using?


TPF Noob!
Feb 11, 2011
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I have a Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT. I have the kit lens and the 75mm-300mm lens. I like to do portrait photography as well as landscape. What are some good lenses?
10-22 , 17-40, 50 f1.4, 100 f2.8, 135 f2, 70-200 f2.8, 300f4 ,400 f2.8, 500f4,. Just to name a few. Maybe start with a 50f1.4 or 85 1.8.
You're pretty much all set with what you have.

For landscape a bit wider than an 18 mm kit lens would be useful.

How many $$$'s do you have to spend on good lenses?
10-22 , 17-40, 50 f1.4, 100 f2.8, 135 f2, 70-200 f2.8, 300f4 ,400 f2.8, 500f4,. Just to name a few. Maybe start with a 50f1.4 or 85 1.8.

Don't listen to this guy, the 300 f/4, 400 f/2.8. and 500 f/4 are useless for portraiture.
No they aren't. I have used all 3 focal lengths to make portraits before. Granted, no one uses them often for portraits, but saying useless just ain't so. ;)
How about for my sons T-Ball? So far I have only used my 75mm-300mm lens for this, so I can zoom in far enough...
10-22 , 17-40, 50 f1.4, 100 f2.8, 135 f2, 70-200 f2.8, 300f4 ,400 f2.8, 500f4,. Just to name a few. Maybe start with a 50f1.4 or 85 1.8.

Don't listen to this guy, the 300 f/4, 400 f/2.8. and 500 f/4 are useless for portraiture.

Well those lens work great for portraits of birds , athletes, planes and landscapes!;)
How about for my sons T-Ball? So far I have only used my 75mm-300mm lens for this, so I can zoom in far enough...

75-300 is not a very sharp lens unless you stop down to f8 and than it becomes pretty usuable. If used during the day with good light you shouldn't have a problem. Its t-ball so you should have plenty of access to get closer if needed. A better lens would be a 70-200L. If you need more reach look at 300+ primes or L quality zooms.

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