What to price a certain amount of photos?


TPF Noob!
Jan 22, 2012
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Hello, my name is Ashley. I'm in college for Photography. I have only taken Intro, B&W and now I'm starting Color this semester.
I took Anniversary photos for someone and she already bought 6 of them for $15 each. Also the cd for $30.
One of my friends told me I should sell by the hour but I can't change that option now since she already bought the 6.
She has 39 pictures left that she didn't officially choose and she thought that the 6 she paid for, also included the rest of them. I told her well no, you only paid for 6, you wouldn't be getting the others, you still have to pay. So she told me to name a price, but she says she doesn't want to pay over $100 and I originally was going to say $300 for I think that is fair for that many pictures. And I don't want to be ripped off, whether I'm an amateur or profesional.
So I joined this website to see what others opinions on this would be?
Thank you

And here's my page on facebook. the anniversary shots are the first ones.

Krakowski Photography - Local Business - Parma, OH | Facebook
You already gave her a cd of all the images? What else does she want?
I personally don't think you should be charging at this point.
Hey Ashley. I would try and negotiate with her. There has been a misunderstanding so it may be difficult to reach an agreement.

A couple of factors would figure in this for me:
How bad I needed the money:D
How the person was acting ( a sense of entitlement would get you nowhere)
If I thought they might use my services again

If she has the CD she could print them herself and save a lot of trouble for you. I usually offer discounts for people that want to buy several photos at once.

This should be a learning opportunity for you. Try and make it clear when you are shooting the pictures or at least the first delivery what each order and payment includes.
...This should be a learning opportunity for you. Try and make it clear when you are shooting the pictures or at least the first delivery what each order and payment includes.
Right idea, but you're already too late. This is something that should be clearly defined IN YOUR CONTRACT (You did have a contract, right? Hint.. hint... Of course you did!) which will be signed at the pre-shoot consultation, well before the shutter-release is even touched. As stated, this should be a learning experience. Negotiate your way out of this one and then sit down and decide on a cost-per-image, and from now on, STICK TO IT!
I personally don't think you should be charging at this point.
And this opinion relates in what way to the OPs issue?
Maybe you missed the OP-

" So she told me to name a price, but she says she doesn't want to pay over $100 and I originally was going to say $300 for I think that is fair for that many pictures. And I don't want to be ripped off, whether I'm an amateur or profesional.
So I joined this website to see what others opinions on this would be?"

Nothing is an appropriate answer.
Well no, she only recieved on the cd the six pictures she bought. There's 39 left from the shoot that she wants as well but hasn't paid for those images.

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