What to take on my vacation this weekend...


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Sep 13, 2019
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So I am off to the island of Oahu this weekend; yey for me! :)
I will be taking my Olympus Pen-F digital but debating which film camera to take with me. Avoiding the answer "all of them!" I just want to take one as I have a young child so luggage space is at a premium.
Here are the options;
1. Voitländer Vitomatic II - This is a great little fixed lens rangefinder with built in meter and often a travel companion (maybe time for a change this trip?).
2. Miranda Sensorex - 35mm SLR for which I have a 50mm and 35 mm lens, the 50mm is excellent and I at 1.9 good for all light levels also has built in meter - a little bulky maybe.
3. Voitländer Prominent - Changeable lens rangefinder for which I have a 50mm and 100mm. I took this to the UK recently its a great performer but I will also need to take a light meter.
4. Mamiya 35 Executive - this is a new camera to me and I've only shot one roll through it. It's another fixed lens rangefinder (48mm 1.9) just not sure of its reliability yet; also requires light meter.
5. Mamiya C330 - probably way too bulky. Again a light meter will be required and again I've not had this one long enough to be confident it is reliable.
6 Voigtländer Vito-C - very pocketable ultra compact with auto everything except focus which is range focusing - takes good pictures if you get the focus right.

There are many others to choose from but these are what I am considering - what do you think?
What lenses will you have for the Olympus?

For the film camera, I'd take whatever has a lens that will give a very different look to the Olympus.
What lenses will you have for the Olympus?

For the film camera, I'd take whatever has a lens that will give a very different look to the Olympus.

I have the 7Artizans 25mm, an old Tokina 200mm, the standard kit Zoom and also an original Pen-F 38mm; not sure I would take the last one but probably the other three.
What lenses will you have for the Olympus?

For the film camera, I'd take whatever has a lens that will give a very different look to the Olympus.

I have the 7Artizans 25mm, an old Tokina 200mm, the standard kit Zoom and also an original Pen-F 38mm; not sure I would take the last one but probably the other three.

So your 25mm on the Olympus is equivalent to the 50mm lenses on your film cameras, so lots of overlap from a field of view perspective.

But I think the Vito-C is f2.8, so you can get more control over depth of field than with your crop sensor Olympus, and it's a nice compact camera for travel, plus you'll get the classic film looks using a quality lens.
What lenses will you have for the Olympus?

For the film camera, I'd take whatever has a lens that will give a very different look to the Olympus.

I have the 7Artizans 25mm, an old Tokina 200mm, the standard kit Zoom and also an original Pen-F 38mm; not sure I would take the last one but probably the other three.

So your 25mm on the Olympus is equivalent to the 50mm lenses on your film cameras, so lots of overlap from a field of view perspective.

But I think the Vito-C is f2.8, so you can get more control over depth of field than with your crop sensor Olympus, and it's a nice compact camera for travel, plus you'll get the classic film looks using a quality lens.

Thanks for your thoughts, yes 50mm is my preferred focal length. Actually apart from the zoom lens all the lenses and cameras mentioned are 2.8 or faster, being full auto, the Vito-C doesn't give me much control over depth of field but it is a very compact camera and so would be a good option.
I have a Vitomatic, that's a real nice camera to take along someplace. I don't know the Prominent offhand, I suppose it depends if you'd want to change lenses because you'd need a longer lens sometimes.
This one...........

3. Voitländer Prominent - Changeable lens rangefinder for which I have a 50mm and 100mm. I took this to the UK recently its a great performer but I will also need to take a light meter.
This one...........

3. Voitländer Prominent - Changeable lens rangefinder for which I have a 50mm and 100mm. I took this to the UK recently its a great performer but I will also need to take a light meter.


As much as I love the Mamiya C330, it is beastly, and I would not travel with it unless it's a road trip. Or unless I need it as a potential weapon.

I never change lenses as often as I think I will when traveling (I hate shlepping gear and fussing with it all the time), so I tend to stick to one lens, but if I do want to bring more gear, at least the rangefinder lenses are more compact and easier to carry around.

You can download a good, reliable light meter for your smart phone. Then you don't have to bring a light meter. Or learn Sunny 16 ;)
If you bring the Voigtländer don't forget the "g" :-)
Shh! it's silent!
If you bring the Voigtländer don't forget the "g" :)

Dammit! How did I type that wrong? it's something I have written soooo many times; and corrected people who add an 'h' in there! :D

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