Which Canon AF area mode for birds?


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Oct 5, 2016
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Hey guys. I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction... Currently i'm shooting on a canon 80d with a tamron 150-600 G2. I use the single point AF for now but tried Zone AF today. I've really only ever shot with the single point AF so maybe i'm just doing it wrong. I had my AF point on the birds out in the water but it didn't seem to lock on as fast as single point. What do you all recommend who shoot with canon and what techniques give the best results? I shoot back button focus with AI Servo and high speed continuous shooting.
I use single point focus but that is because the camera i am using focus hunts with more focus points on
I don't use a Canon but shouldn't matter. For stills or anything in the background use single focus point. If your shooting BIF's in a clear sky with no background to steal focus I use all focus points or 9 point. In the water or BIF's over water you will need the single focus point because the water could grab focus.
For C-AF I use low sequential @9fps (my max is 18fps for low sequential).
Hmm... That makes sense. I do like how the large zone works though... kinda lol
I use (S)ingle (P)oint (C)ontinuous back button focus. Depending on the circumstances I may only use one point or all the center points. If the birds are in flight, I use all points including those on the sides.
I use (S)ingle (P)oint (C)ontinuous back button focus. Depending on the circumstances I may only use one point or all the center points. If the birds are in flight, I use all points including those on the sides.
I don't think my camera has a option for all points unless that would be the 45 point auto selection? I mostly shoot birds on the ground around here. Any I've shot in air have looked like dots with no definition
I use (S)ingle (P)oint (C)ontinuous back button focus. Depending on the circumstances I may only use one point or all the center points. If the birds are in flight, I use all points including those on the sides.
I don't think my camera has a option for all points unless that would be the 45 point auto selection? I mostly shoot birds on the ground around here. Any I've shot in air have looked like dots with no definition

Yes 45 points are all the focus points on that camera. Birds on the ground just use the single focus point.
As for your BIF's, post an example and tell us which lens you used and what camera settings, and we may be able to help you.
All of the above are correct.
Background clutter = single point.
Clear sky with bird in flight can be one some or all.
Since you shoot mostly stationary birds with some background clutter, single point would work best.

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