Which do you like better... color or b&w?

The color. Nice portrait.

The rosy cheeks and the warmth brought in by the sunlit background is lost in the black and white.
The color one looks a bit underexposed. As it stands now, I pick B&W.
Both are nice versions, but I prefer the color. I agree that the warmth of the sunlit leaves adds to the image. The B&W version might leapfrog the color if it had some more tonal range. You get nice blacks in his eyes but everything else, including what could have been nice crisp whites in his shirt, are various shades of grey. Nothing besides his eyes really pop (but since the eyes are exactly what you want to stand out, that's not necessarily a bad thing).
Either of these better exposed, or can you even tell a difference? I can't fix the various shades of gray in his shirt in the b&w one. Can't figure out which one to print....

15 by holly.reyna, on Flickr

16 by holly.reyna, on Flickr
I like the exposure on this B&W version better than the original.

I like the exposure on him in the color version better than the original. Bumping up the exposure on the image as a whole made the leaves a bit bright for me. If you can drop the brightness of the sunlit leaves a bit (there are a number of ways to do this, use whichever you're comfortable with in whatever PP program you have), I think you'll have a nicely exposed subject with a warm, non-competing background.

Who says you have to print just one of them? I occasionally print color and B&W versions and either decide which I like better once I have them on paper in front of me or use them both (say, one for work and one for home).
Light advances and dark receeds, is a basic premise of visual art.


The photo is ripe for selective coloring and a portrait crop, IMO.

I love them both but I really like Boomersgot3 edits on both pictures. The edits really brought out the pictures some for me!

Great shot!

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