Which version works best?

Lazy Photographer

TPF Noob!
Jul 4, 2009
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Toronto, Canada
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Did two treatments of this photo in LR3 and like them both. Thought I'd see which you guys and gals like better. Thanks.


Personally neither really work that well for me. In both cases the largest thing is leading my eye right off the photo before I even get a chance to finish looking at the rest of the photo.

I feel like I'm dodging the giant arm (which is this gigantic arrow pointing right) just to even try and notice that tiny sign behind it.

You missed the golden angle by stepping back and to the right so that you could adjust the arm being more centered in the frame while still retaining those cranes in view. The shape of it actually suits center framing quite a bit, the uneven distribution of weight would have been perfect.

Other than that though, I prefer the b&w.
I agree that the composition seems a little off. Since the corner of the big arm is cut off on the right, it might be better to crop a little more on that side and also the foreground which is a little distracting, perhaps almost up to the bottom of the sign.

Re your original question I prefer the bw because the colors in the original distract from the shapes and their arrangement, which is what this seems to be about.
I dont care for neither. The lighting is terrible and the flare spots are driving me nuts. Ifi had to choose, I would say color but with a different adjustment.
Thanks everyone. Yes, KenC, it's mostly about the shapes and arrangement. Based on that I have to agree that the b & w probably is the better of the two -- least distracting. I'll also take a look at some cropping. I wanted it to feel busy and close up, which is why I wasn't too concerned about framing the crane arm properly. I didn't want it to be too "staged" looking. If you were a worker standing beside this crane this might be how you'd see the site. Get me? But I do see everyone's point, so no need to make arguments against what I just said. Thanks for your help.

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