Wich one should I buy?


TPF Noob!
Apr 27, 2017
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Hi! I'm looking for a 35 mm camera for starting taking photos because I like the way the photos looks taken with a retro camera, and i feel it's more primal and hard to learn.
I've been looking for some time now and I found those models:

1. Yashica electro 35 from 1971 with guarantee and bill
2. Minolta X300 with TOKINA SZ-X 35-70mm lens
3. Olympus OM 10 with 2 lens but i don't know the brand and the seller looks like will not respond anymore

Give me your opinion please and your reasons, thank you all.
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The only thing different about actually taking pictures with a film camera vice a digital one is dealing with the recording medium. In a DSLR it's an [usually] SD Card; in an SLR it's a roll of film. Exposure, composition, etc are identical, and the controls are very similar. If anything, I would suggest that a modern DSLR with its multitude of menus and configurable options is considerably harder to learn. That said, if you want to get into shooting film, my recommendation would be for a Pentax K1000. A basic, fully manual, well built, and now very inexpensive body with a huge amount of excellent but not over-priced glass available.
The only thing different about actually taking pictures with a film camera vice a digital one is dealing with the recording medium. In a DSLR it's an [usually] SD Card; in an SLR it's a roll of film. Exposure, composition, etc are identical, and the controls are very similar. If anything, I would suggest that a modern DSLR with its multitude of menus and configurable options is considerably harder to learn. That said, if you want to get into shooting film, my recommendation would be for a Pentax K1000. A basic, fully manual, well built, and now very inexpensive body with a huge amount of excellent but not over-priced glass available.
NO, kids these days want to be all edgy and stuff.
Notice all the cameras listed have metal bodies and look like the platonic idea of a vintage SLR.

I say none of the above. Get a Nikon FE or FM or FE2/FM2...you'll be able to use the lenses on a modern Nikon.
5. YASHICA FX-3 SUPER 2000...only because I owned a Yashica FX0-3 in 1981...it's a simple,match-diode camera that was a competitor to the Nikon FM and the Pentax MX. AVOID the ME Super...too doggone many broken film winding issues with those.

If you want a GOOD, workable 35mm filmie, buy a more-modern Nikon,m lkike chuasam mentions, like the Nikon FM or FM-2, or even newer and AF, like a Nikon N90s from KEH.com.'

A LOT of older 35mm filmies are 35,40,45 years old now and are broken-down relics. SOME models were long-term reliable cameras.

I might look at a Minolta X700 as a decent, cheap 35mm SLR.

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