
  1. KEP

    First Post! Need OM4 Help

    Hello from Canada! Glad to be here. I bought an OM4 recently and the viewfinder display isn't working. I like fixing cameras, but I need information about where to start. Anyone have any information or experience with this issue? Know of any information sources?
  2. cande56755

    Olympus D3 90 camera

    I have an old Olympus Day 390 camera But I can’t seem to download the photos from it. My young child uses it. The computer registers with a sound and it’s connecting but nothing pops up. Do I need some driver or software??
  3. L

    Sleep modus with remote control

    Hi. I,m having problem with my Olympus m1 mk II, who will NOT going in stand-by when I use the remote control plug-in. That is Pocket Wizard with a cable. As a result of that, the batteries will go empty pretty fast. Anyone who knows how I can get the camera to "sleep" when I use this remote-port?
  4. H

    Issue with Olympus OM30: stuck in Aperture Priority, cannot change shutter speed when in manual?

    So i bought this untested Olympus OM30 thinking it would be ok since the seller knew nothing about cameras judging by everything else they were selling. When it arrived I put in new batteries and tried using it however, it would only work in "Auto" mode, even if i switched it to Bulb or Manual...
  5. S

    Shutter fault with OM D Webcam on EM1 mki

    I just installed the Beta Olympus Webcam software and set up my EM1 mki via the USB cable as a webcam. The image came of great for a few minutes and then went blank. Now I can't use my camera. The fault is that shutter curtain is in the closed position, so the LCD and EVF are black. The auto...
  6. NGH

    My wife with my daughter just after she was born 16 weeks ago today

  7. NGH

    You thought I was asleep?

    Taken at San Diego Zoo recently.. I hope zoo pictures are acceptable here (new here).
  8. R

    In which camera system should I put my money on?

    Hi all, I’m an amateur photographer and I have a canon 550D and 6D mark1. I really like both cameras but I started working far from home and I want a camera to replace my 550D in a small format to more easily carry around. I was thinking in entry level mirrorless cameras but I can’t decide in...
  9. C

    Renewing my gear

    My fellow photographers, recently I've been feeling the urge to change my gear. It's not GAS, it's back pain. Even though my camera isn't the heaviest, it's quite heavy (around 3kg with lens mounted) and I think it's starting to hurt my lower back. That's why I want to switch from a heavy Nikon...
  10. M

    Ilford Delta 3200

    Good day! I'm looking for some advice regarding Ilford Delta 3200. I'm aspiring some nice night shots with high contrast. And I'd like to use a Ilford Delta 3200 in my Olympus RC 35, this one can be set up to max. ASA 800. So I was wondering about the settings I should go for? Should I keep...
  11. E

    Question on which Olympus camera to buy.

    Hello! I asked this on Reddit, but I figured I’d ask here as well. I am a very amateur film photographer as I’m just getting started, but I’ve been researching on which film cameras to use in general and also something that would last me for a long time, and I read up on the Olympus OM-1 camera...
  12. LouisRG

    I have no idea what I'm doing...

    I recently started photography as a hobby - well, I would have had I been able to take acceptable photos. I've recently inherited an Olympus E-300 with 2 lenses: Olympus Zuiko Digital 14-45mm, and a 70-300mm one which I've been told is capable of 600x zoom. As a novice, all this kit sat in my...
  13. P

    Corrupted photos

    Hello, would someone be so kind and help me with one technical issue? I was taking pictures (JPEG and RAW) using my Olympus camera and SD Card, which worked perfectly fine until the moment where any newly taken photos could be shortly seen in 'view' mode but after a moment they couldnt been...
  14. chuasam

    Win the Lottery and Go Travel kinda camera

    It's a dreary fall day in Vancouver. Snow has landed on the ground and it is COLD. -2C tomorrow. I find myself dreaming of what I would do if I won the lottery. Firstly, I would travel. I would take photos when I travel. What camera would I take with me? I reckon if I won the lottery (which...
  15. Z

    Olympus OM-D E-M10 Black with 14-42mm Lens FOR SALE

    Olympus OM-D E-M10 with 14-42mm f/3.5-5.6 II M Lens and leather case in EXCELLENT CONDITION. price: £390 (included postage within UK) Always carried around in the leather case and with cap. Body and lenses in perfect condition (no scratched, hidden defects etc.) The camera takes excellent...
  16. P

    Fuji x-t20 or Olympus om-d e-m5 mark II

    Hello everyone, as in the topic - I am about to buy a photo camera and considering these two. The lens for the Olympus is 14/42, pretty dark one, and for Fuji I was proposed 18-55 f. 2,8-4. Could anyone give me any constructive feedback? To add, I am intested in the street photography and...
  17. J

    Please help me choose a camera

    Good morning Day Evening First off thanks for taking the time to read and hopefully respond to yet another " help me I don't know what camera to buy" ;-). If you don't feel like reading skip to: IN SHORT I'm 17 years of age and would like to buy my first own camera. I'm...
  18. CreationsByCray

    Olympus Stylus VR-370...Thoughts?!

    My current camera is the Olympus Stylus VR-370. For anyone who has used it, what's your take on it? While I'm hoping to get a DLSR camera once I'm financially able to do so, I do hope that my current camera (and Photoscape, which is a free (yet suprisingly good) version of Photoshop...sorta)...
  19. P

    Transparent smelly film after developing

    Hi all, I recently had two rolls of Kodak 400 color film developed at a store. I dropped the film off at the store and had them mailed to me. One of them had gone through X-rays multiple times before being developed but came out fine. However, the other came out blank/transparent with not...
  20. J

    First mirrorless camera

    As the title suggests, I'm looking for my first mirrorless camera to buy and I hope you are willing and able to help me with my choice. First of all I will give u some information about me and my budget and what kind of photos I want to take. I'm "only" 16 years old and earned my money by...
  21. A

    Canon or Nikon or Panasonic or Olympus

    Hello! Choosing new camera, have chosen the ones that suits me the most from different brands, but don't know how to compare different brands between each other, so ask for you kind help Canon EOS M10 15-45mm IS STM Kit Nikon 1 J5 10-30mm VR PD-Zoom Kit Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF7 G Vario 14-42mm...
  22. JoL

    The Pier, Part 2

    I have shot this one before but went back to try a slightly different take on it and hopefully add it to my black and white candidates that might eventually make it on my wall in printed form. The Pier, Part 2 by Johannes Bengani-Lutz
  23. katsrevenge

    Favorite 4/3rds Micro Lens?

    I just impulse bought a Olympus Pen. It hasn't arrived yet... but I'm looking to pick up a couple of primes, maybe a longer zoom for it. Nothing serious or pricey, I just want something small I can leave in my bag. It's just a body and I'm not going to bother getting the kit lens. So, what...
  24. A

    Wich one should I buy?

    Hi! I'm looking for a 35 mm camera for starting taking photos because I like the way the photos looks taken with a retro camera, and i feel it's more primal and hard to learn. I've been looking for some time now and I found those models: 1. Yashica electro 35 from 1971 with guarantee and bill...
  25. 3

    Olympus OM-1 Destroying film

    Hello everyone, I am fairly new here (just made the account) and today I found an Olympus OM-1 at a goodwill for 80$, I absolutely love the camera, but it seems to be destroying film. The first roll was ripped in half when I tried to reel it in (EDIT: turns out I am just an idiot and missed the...
  26. ggloyd

    Olympus Decision (E-M5ii or E-M1)

    Hey folks. I'm new here. I got my camera and all my lenses stolen last month and need to replace everything. Fortunately, my insurance company is giving me more than it was all worth, so I'm going to get what I had or similar. I had my E-M5 (circa 2014) stolen, plus a 12-40mm Pro, 40-150mm Pro...
  27. U

    New compact, Mju III

    First results of my new camera, Olympus Mju III. Film is Kodak Colorplus, my favourite cheap film. :) Untitled by Ugur Ugurlu, on Flickr Untitled by Ugur Ugurlu, on Flickr Untitled by Ugur Ugurlu, on Flickr Untitled by Ugur Ugurlu, on Flickr
  28. rob_thomson

    Olympus OM-D E-M1 for Adventure Photography: My Long Term Review

    Hi all, I'm new to this site, but I've written up my thoughts (after two years of use) about the Olympus OM-D E-M1 mirrorless camera for adventure photography. I've used the camera mainly on human-powered adventures, and I can confidently say that it definitely fits my needs for a...
  29. jamiebonline

    anyone own an olympus xz-2 ?

    hi all, i have been looking for a small digital camera to carry around with me at all times. something with full manual control, shoots raw and has a built in flash and fairly fast lens. i found an olympus xz-2 for sale and contacted the seller. she said the screen is a little cracked but it...