A few from a recent session..

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TPF Noob!
May 15, 2007
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I had the chance to practice on some friends last week and I wondered what others thought of them.......
They were all very sharp in PSP9
Must be photobucket making them soft







Great series...I really like what you have done here.

I like them all, except for the selective color one....the 5th. I'm not usually a fan of selective color but I especially don't like it when the clothing is in color and the subject (especially babies) is B&W. It makes them look lifeless.
The look on that girl's face (shot #1) is perfect. You've got some good stuff goin' on here.
Thank you! She was a blast to work with. I did a ton int he fish bowl with her but in all the cute smiley ones she had her hand int he water and it looked distorted! :eek:(
Thanks again!
Great series, especially the ones in the overalls. Nice work.
yea i like em all to, but I agree about the selective coloring. the technique looks good, you did well on the isolation. But it doesn't seem to "fit" this picture, for me anyway
These are great...I especially like the one with the fish bowl. How cute!!!!
Great shots!

But I just have to ask... Was that goldfish real or photoshop'ed?
Its not that it doesn't look real - its just I would have gone crazy waiting for the stupid creature to swim into a usable position. Also, there's the fish mortality risk due to inquisitive baby :)

If its real, you have the patients of a saint...
WOW! These are nice! What lighting so you use?
Thanks again!!! The fish is PS'd In ....actually paint shop pro 9 'd in :eek:)

I have an alien bee 800 with a softbox on the left and a reflector on the right. I have 2 jtl's lighting the background.

I wish I had more ideas for a baby boy. Those are the only ones I oculd come up with. We did one with the golf ball but I didn't proof it as it was blown in the front

here are a few more.....
The one w/the selective coloring wouldnt be so bad if it wasn't completely desaturated. Give it a little bit of color and youll still get the same effect.
These are great, the flower pot shot of the little girl and the first fish bowl with the blond boy are priceless. You have done very well and should get tons of work from these examples.

The selective color do not work for me, maybe a pastel washed out color might be more acceptable or a really good soft focus.
very impressive! children are so difficult to photograph and you have done a brilliant job!
The little girl in the rocker...well... Rocks! Nice work.
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