A little taste of MY 'photography'


TPF Noob!
Nov 20, 2007
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Middle-of-Nowhere[Beautiful], Idaho.
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Well... I'm 15 and just received a Canon Powershot S3IS, which I guess is a pretty good starter camera. Some of these were taken with a little Kodak camera a year or two ago. Tell me what you think. And YES, I took ALL of these. I didn't do any special photoshopping, mostly just contrast and stuff like that.

Check 'em out.


Critiques and/or comments would be amazing. Thanks.

Photo 1:

Photo 2:

Photo 3:

Photo 4:

Photo 5:
I really like #2. The other's didn't really grab my attention.

I got an S3 a few months ago too and I love it. Hope you like it!
Haha. Thanks. Yeah, I like Canons. They're pretty nice cameras. I need to buy some accessories though. Know any websites where I can get some for a good price? X-MAS LIST! lol. :p

Here are a few more pics I found.

These 2 are off my back porch with no photoshopping. I guess living in the country really does pay off. I'm from North-Central, Idaho.



And this 1 is my friend. We were experimenting with a hole through the porch... It turned out pretty good.

Haha. Thanks. Yeah, I like Canons. They're pretty nice cameras. I need to buy some accessories though. Know any websites where I can get some for a good price? X-MAS LIST! lol. :p

Being 15, I can't really afford to buy a bunch of accessories. All I have besides the camera is 3 spare sets of batteries, a 2gb card, some $30 Walmart tripod, and some cheap bag. The only thing I plan on getting is the Raynox DCR-250 macro conversion lens, which I'd recommend if you're a close-up junkie. That also means I'll have to get a adapter to attach it (which if you plan on getting, I'd recommend Lensmateonline.com).

This link is really helpful for the adaptors and the lenses and filters that go with it. http://www.lensmateonline.com/newsite/S2.html

Keep in mind though, if you invest in a bunch of accessories, you'll have gone into the dSLR price range.

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