A trip down Memory Lane


TPF Noob!
Jul 27, 2004
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Brooklin, Ontario, Canuckia
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This weekend I decided to take my father back to Verdun in Montreal where he grew up. He turned 80 two weeks ago and is still in very good health. He has been like a little kid reminiscing about the old days and just having a blast. I even stumbled across a bookstore that had a book on the history of Verdun so he will have some reading to do. The weather has not stopped raining since we crossed the Quebec border but our spirits could not be better on this journey back in time.

My father in front of the house he grew up in on 1st Avenue

He remembers playing in this spot as a kid

The architecture in Montréal is a photographers dream


My grandfather worked for 40 years in this building for the Northern Electric Company

Graffiti is everywhere

A view from Mount Royal. This is the kind of weather we have had and will continue to have for the rest of the trip

The best I could do for local wildlife, a groundhog.

Thanks for looking,

How wonderful that you could make this trip together! :heart: Very special pictures for a very special outing.

Love it. Hope to see more! :)
Wow I love everything about this series :) You have great shots AND a great story. Can't ever go wrong there :mrgreen:
I very much enjoy seeing the photos you take with your father (whether he is in them or not), there is always that special 'connection' when one hears the history behind them. Makes me want to go to Montreal again.
Thanks everyone. My dad is on his 6th roll of film. No way this guy is going digital. He loves steam engines so today we are off to the Canadian Railway Museum in Delson. To our surorise it is sunny at 6:30 am so off we go to catch some rays.

Excellent shots Airic. Nicely done man.
What a great series, Eric. Especially having read on previous threads what a huge influence your father was on your love for photography. That's a really special trip for the two of you to make. Look forward to more posts.

(Oh, and I especially like the shot of the spiral metal staircase....so very typical of Montreal)
Thanks everyone. Our luck with the weather continues but what a blast. We are having a great time and this is one of those things I have wanted to do in life that I can now chalk off the list.

Excellent series. How neat! I would personally love to see the first one in B&W... something about it just seems like that might look good with that. Just a thought!

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