Adorama Vs. B&H


TPF Noob!
Jun 18, 2013
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Chicago, IL
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I'm Playing on buying a few used or refurbished lens, But both sites have about the same prices. Does anyone have any experiences, good or bad about them.

P.S: Don't know if this is the right place for this question just needed a fast answer.
In other words, both are top shelf. Some will prefer one, some will have a horror story with the other, but at the end of the day, throw a dart and pick one.
I agree. I've only dealt with Adorama, but from my experience, they are almost identical entities. Either way, you should be happy with what you get.
Agreed. I've ordered from both many times and they are both top notch.
Both are great... no issues with either!
Both are reputable
I've never ordered anything from B&H but nearly everything I have camera related came from Adorama as they have been excellent to deal with. Many people who's opinions I value have the same to say about B&H.
The only advantage Adorama has is their customer rep who peruses TPF for issues people are having with them. HelenOster is her username. She is spot on for getting to the facts of a dispute.
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The only up for Adorama is they take orders and ship between Friday and Saturdays when B&H shuts down.
Both great places. I use Adorama I deal directly with one salesman all the time, no issues. I live in CT so everything is shipped overnight for free both places. Its not free overnight shipping it just gets here the next day using ground shipping.

If you decide to go to either place, I feel that BnH has better parking than Adorama but I rarely go to NYC.
I have bought from both (live in Tx), both were fine for me. Only reason i picked one over the other was/is whichever internet bookmark i click first.
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I checked both of their BBB ratings. Both are fine. :)

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