Alnwick Castle


TPF Noob!
Oct 3, 2004
Reaction score
Northumberland, UK
Finally got round to signing up at, so this is my first pic posted on the forum... Alnwick Castle in Northumberland, in the north east of England.

I like this photo, I didn't noticed the blue windows until i started reading just seems to be a reflection of the sky, doesn't bother me at all :)
there is so much color in this photograph! gorgeous! i really like it. good composition. i like the framing!

i assume that the windows are blue because of the sky...
I'm only seeing the blue windows on the side of the castle facing the water. Maybe it's a double reflection kind of thing??
I'm sure the blue windows are natural but just not ordinary. sometimes the unusual things make me think of PS since it's used so much.
Love it!
The blue windows don't bother me in the least, since the sky is as blue and - so I think - just reflects in the windows. The lighting is wonderful, and so is the reflection of the castle in that very still water.

Makes me want to go to North England. NOW. (In summer weather, though... ;))
I really like this shot...not your typical castle picture. The blues in the windows don't bother me at all!
However, why are the windows blue? Was that natural?
Thanks for all the comments people

The blue in the windows was natural (hadn't noticed it myself until it was mentioned here :) )... there's no work in photoshop here except for some slight adjustment of the levels & colour balance after scanning the original slide, and adding the frame. I'm not sure if its the result of reflections, or possibly shutters or curtains behind the windows - Alnwick Castle is still lived in by the Duke of Northumberland & his family, as well as a group of students from St Cloud's University in the states.

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