Am I the axel?


Photo Hunter
Supporting Member
Jan 24, 2014
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大田, South Korea
Can others edit my Photos
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An artist told me that they like my photos, and I must have a good camera. I told them I like their painting, and they must have a good paintbrush. They didn't get my response.
One of the more aggravating things a photographer - or any artist - can hear is praise given more to the tool than the artist's use of it.

Sounds like you got the point across, though. ;)
I forget the prog name, joy of painting (just been shouted to me) and the chap uses some brushes that look more at home house painting. But he does have brill pics
A good camera helps but it’s the photographer who sees the image and uses what they have to capture it.
Once saw a reply to “ what is the best camera”
It was. “The one you have with you”
Ok some here will shoot me..... just make sure you use a good paint brush... I mean camera
Often it’s either people don’t understand or don’t think of art as work . Art classes have generated more work than any other class I took, with the exception of math.
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I once thought that "good camera" comment was a lame distraction before getting rolled by an accomplice. Maybe too suspicious of apparent innocents, I guess. Still, I got the same thing a few weeks back shooting some street in a small, cute Ontario town(Paris, Ontario).
Probably asked for it. Lugged around a Mamiya RB67 Pro S, 90/3.8C and prism finder glued to a tripod. Got mistaken for a movie camera.Puzzled by the two-step shutter cock/film back wind dance and the all-mechanical clockwork sounds. Parting comment, "Do they really still make film?" Relaxed in a nice coffee joint where the questions replayed. Yup, it takes nice pictures!

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