And she shall be my squishy...


No longer a newbie, moving up!
May 25, 2011
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Editing a newborn session this evening and I thought I'd share a few shots.

She was just a teeny newborn.. all 10lbs of her. :)

$NB - 8.jpg
$TPF - 10.jpg

C&C welcome :)

I used a reflector behind baby in #2 to soften shadows. I didn't want to get rid of them completely. Acceptable?? Opinions?
Omg how stinkin cute! That is the sweetest face and baby rolls I've seen since my first born! Beautiful job!!!!!
These are really sweet.. head chops don't bother me but the itty bit of ear chop in 1 does. 2 is soo adorable!!! I am really hoping the next newborn I get to shoot (for my neighbor) actually sleeps. lol So far my own son, and my friend's son have refused to do so. haha
These are really sweet.. head chops don't bother me but the itty bit of ear chop in 1 does. 2 is soo adorable!!! I am really hoping the next newborn I get to shoot (for my neighbor) actually sleeps. lol So far my own son, and my friend's son have refused to do so. haha

I plan for a 2 hour shoot when I do newborns. And just wait em out. lol
I have tricks too. I use a loud heater and place it blowing warm air toward baby so I kill 1) warmth and 2) white noise with 1 item. I also use a heating pad under my blankets (make sure you get one that is ok to get wet lol). And then I just "shhhhhhh" and pat and pacifier and that usually does the trick. :) If baby is attached and will only settle with a pacifier, I do the 1, 2, 3 and have mom pull the pacifier out while I have my shot lined up and ready to go, I snap in the 1 second before baby realizes that the paci is gone.
These are really sweet.. head chops don't bother me but the itty bit of ear chop in 1 does. 2 is soo adorable!!! I am really hoping the next newborn I get to shoot (for my neighbor) actually sleeps. lol So far my own son, and my friend's son have refused to do so. haha

I plan for a 2 hour shoot when I do newborns. And just wait em out. lol
I have tricks too. I use a loud heater and place it blowing warm air toward baby so I kill 1) warmth and 2) white noise with 1 item. I also use a heating pad under my blankets (make sure you get one that is ok to get wet lol). And then I just "shhhhhhh" and pat and pacifier and that usually does the trick. :) If baby is attached and will only settle with a pacifier, I do the 1, 2, 3 and have mom pull the pacifier out while I have my shot lined up and ready to go, I snap in the 1 second before baby realizes that the paci is gone.

I'll have to try some of these things next time! My son's NB photog hung around 5 hours lol.. we got ZERO sleeping shots. She had the space heater, we stopped and nursed him 938590385 times.. nothin! He was not having it. My friend's son I just did we did two separate sessions.. both around 2 hours and got next to nothing with eyes closed. lol I have bad baby luck!
the shadows in #2 aren't too bad, focus appears good, and the picture is reasonably sharp. I like the pose.

the DOF in #1 however....not really liking it so much. the baby's nose and part of the face are in focus, but the baby is OOF before you hit the ears and shoulder.
you can see the foreground blanket in focus, but the baby's hand is OOF. the DOF on #1 is so shallow, that everything behind the babies nose starts going OOF. a smaller aperture, I believe, would have produced a nicer image on that one.

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